Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Blog #9 EOTO 2

Citizen Journalism

Several key components make up the history of citizen journalism in the mediasphere. Citizen journalism is the practice when ordinary people, often using digital tools, report news and share information about events or issues in their communities. With the rise of social media and smartphone use in general, this form of journalism continues to grow in the mediasphere. 

Outside of big news outlets like the New York Times or ABC, citizen journalism is for individuals who usually report events in communities before big news outlets even hear about it. An example of this would be when John F. Kennedy was assassinated; the most famous video was from a citizen that was present before news outlets could even arrive let alone report actual content.

Looking at the evolution of citizen journalism, as society changes, so does the way individuals are participating in this type of journalism. 

Prior to the creation of the internet, individuals would publish pamphlets and use the radio to spread news. Especially in the 1960s through 1970s, community radio stations emerged and were filled with local stories that you wouldn't hear from the mainstream media.

In the 1990s, search engines like Google gained popularity, as did online blogs and forums. Personal blogs consist of the reporting of news and opinions on community events. Online discussion boards were a place where information was exchanged and reported.

In the early 2000s social media became a massive deal. When Facebook, Twitter and Youtube sparked public popularity, and transformed citizen journalism. Users in social media share real-time updates, photos, and videos from anywhere in the world. In times like Hurricane Katrina or the Indian ocean earthquake and tsunami, bloggers and photographers gave on-the-ground updates when news outlets couldn't cover. 

As citizen journalism continues to evolve and bring value to the exchange of information, it is now also used for collaboration with mainstream media outlets, and fact checking initiatives. Traditional media outlets integrate citizens' voices by using user-generated content, crediting citizen journalists for their contribution. 

Key characteristics of citizen journalism would include accessibility, speed, diverse perspectives and community engagement. Anyone with internet access can report and share news making it very inclusive, real time updates can occur especially for breaking news, citizen journalists bring attention to local issues enriching all voices, and with community engagement it brings active participation. 

A problem with citizen journalism can be the lack of factual content being shared, so there has been a continuous effort to verify and fact check citizen generated content, as well as a question of ethical standards and guidelines for journalists. 

The thing about citizen journalism is it can be done by any, when it comes to online reporting, this likely attracts more of a younger audience, or those who are tech savvy. 

As citizen journalism continues to evolve, there is a permanent role it has in sharing information. It has the potential to share voices that would not always be heard, and provide unique insights on topics in the mediasphere. Empowering citizens to share their thoughts enhances society as a whole.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Blog #7 EOTO Technology Presentations

Presentations: What I learned

In class I was able to learn about the progression of many technological advancements throughout the past hundreds of years. Whether it was the ballpoint pen, internet, the telephone or artificial intelleginece, our society continues to evolve. I learned something knew from every presentation but a few that stood out included the invention of email, computers and Netflix.

History of Email

Raymond Tomlinson sent the first email in 1971 to himself typing out the first row of letters on the keyboard “QWERTY.”  He wanted to enable connections between users over computers, which led to quicker communication that was well organized. Then the @ sign became a standard for emails, and has continued to serve the purpose in identifying who your email is coming from and being sent to. A fun fact I learned was that in 1991 an email was sent from space. It is crazy how email was a rare form of communication but now it has revolutionized communication and is used multiple times a day. 

History of Computers 

1940s computers were stationary, could do calculations and just were a box of wires. Often used for radar, translation and military use. In the span of 10 years IBM replaced the technology for a transistor which made computers smaller and more reliable. In 2006 the Mac Book Pro was released by Apple and since then has continued to evolve becoming more mobile and with an array of sizes.

                                                                                History of Netflix

I was very interested to learn that Netflix began as a DVD rental service, and it was done through the mail. Created in 1997 by Marc Randolph and Reed Hasting, Hasting started the
company after a late fee he received from a Blockbuster movie rental. Fast forward to 2011, Netflix is now the largest internet streaming service and brings evolving services often based on users needs increasing revenue each year.

Overall I really enjoyed the EOTO presentations, and I learned a lot of details on how internet has evolved so much especially these past 50 years. 

Blog #8 The Diffusion of Innovation Theory

Diffusion of Innovation

Diffusion of Innovation: Getting past the first wave of innovators and  early adopters to reach the tipping point | Unconventional Business Wisdom  for the refined entrepreneurial mindset - by James D. Roumeliotis

The Diffusion of Innovation Theory was developed by E.M. Rogers in 1962, and originated for  communication to explain how, over time, an idea or product gains momentum and spreads or diffuses throughout society. The adoption of a new product or idea is a process it doesn't happen automatically throughout a social system, but rather many characteristics play a role in innovation. This theory created by Rogers has five adopter categories, and suggest different strategies for different targets. The five adopters include, Innovators, Early Adopters, Early Majority, Late Majority, and Laggards. The framework introduced in this theory can be applied to help understand the adoption of Internet search throughout our society.

When the invention of Internet search came about in 1990, this would be the time of the Innovators according to Rogers theory. Innovators, developers and tech enthusiast like Alan Emtage, the creator of the first search engine "Archie," played a crucial role in introducing a system that searched through files, and could be accessed by anyone. 

Early Adopters like Larry Page and Sergey Brin took the software created for "Archie" and made a search engine that deciphered and filtered the importance of files in the World Wide Web based on link structure naming this "Google." The two college students were influential in their communities and recognized with other researchers and educated individuals the potential search engines had for different aspects of life. 

Those who saw this search engine as useful and adopted it for their everyday use would be the early majority. By 1998 Google had access to over 60 million files, and more than 70% of worldwide online search request was done on Google. Many now saw the practical benefits and reliability search engines brought, and began using search for everyday task whether it was finding information, online shopping, or research. The Early Majority group were more intentional in their use of google search, and incorporated this new technology into life.

Late Majority, users who are more skeptical about adopting a new invention and waiting on its wide acceptable and proven reliability in relation to the invention of the internet would be the older generations, more casual users who were less tech savvy, and then those who were skeptical. The older generation specifically were not very familiar with technology, so with more time and exposure they became more comfortable. Usually for the later majority there is no desire to get accustomed with new technology until it was used as a tool for everyday tasks. 

Finally, the laggers, were the last to adopt this technology. Certain groups like those with limited interest access and people who resisted technology didn't use search engines until it became essential for participating in society. 

Overall The Diffusion of Innovation Theory deciphers technologies slow adoption into society, and different groups who correlate with certain categories. In this specific case there are many positives that internet search engines have brought whether that be information accessibility, education and research opportunities, remote jobs and digital marketing. Negatives with Internet search could include a lack of online privacy, tracking of digital footprint, misinformation, and dependency. Internet search continues to expand with technologies rapid growth and is the most used platform worldwide.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Blog #6 The Age of AI

Frontline: In the Age of AI

Watching the documentary from PBS Frontline,  "In The Age of AI" viewers are shown how artificial intelligence is impacting the world for good, but also the downsides that this technology brings. Online privacy and security are often associated with AI, and many see it as a threat. Artificial intelligence consist of technology like facial recognition, self-driving cars, and virtual assistance like Siri. 

"In the age of AI, where data is the new oil, China is the new Saudi Arabia." This statements from The Age of AI sparked my attention because the world has transformed to a competition to come up with the best new artificial intelligence technology. This video showed that AI is likely incorporated into every aspect of our lives now whether its education, healthcare or just everyday experiences.  

Advancements of teaching artificial equipment to take over human tasks seems extraordinary, but the downsides some would say outweigh the benefits. The loss of employment is a major problem coming with AI, frontline stated "about 50% of jobs will be somewhat or extremely threatened by AI in the next 15 years or so." Looking at specifics jobs with specific routines like writing reports, factory workers, graphic designers and even truck drivers are threatened by the use of AI automation to complete human tasks. 

Just as the TED talk videos we watched discussed, this documentary brought across many points of a lack of online safety, and the tracking and storing of information on every move humans make. As a consumer our online patterns are being tracked so platforms can direct us towards interest that would serve our needs. It seems convenient, but when your every move is being watched and stored for future use, there's no private information anymore. Companies tracking our information may seem like its for users, but in reality, just like what happened with Facebookthe data being shaped for what users are receiving, actually creates enormous amounts of revenue for the platform. 

Overall as several examples have shown, Artificial intelligence is changing the world, and opening a whole new side of technology that brings about even more pros and cons. AI will continue to grow, and has the potential to take over tasks completed by humans. We can use AI for good, but the privacy rights and equality for humans is the main importance. Everyone needs to be aware risk of social media, online websites and even certain AI technologies like facial recognition bring, and do things to prevent all information being accessible. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Blog #4 Evolution of Technology: Internet Search

The History and Impact of Internet Search: EOTO

When thinking about technologies today, a search engine isn't really something that instantly comes to mind, but when I think about it I use internet search multiple times a day for all different things whether it's shopping, doing school work, or just looking for a response to a specific question. Internet search is a vital tool used very frequently by people of all ages throughout the world. Softwares started simple by just searching through a few files but has now become a brilliant engine that can answer any question involving any topic. 

The first search engine, “Archie,” was developed in 1990 by Alan Emtage, a student at McGill University in Montreal Canada. “Archie” standing for archive came before the World Wide Web and searched only for file transfer protocol sites. 

A few years later Yahoo! launched in 1994 initially just as a directory of websites, but later incorporated search capabilities. 

With new engines slowly turning up then came the infamous Google. Larry Page and Sergey Brin, two Stanford students, worked out of their dorm to build a search engine that deciphered and filtered the importance of individual pages on the World Wide Web, naming that search engine Backrub. The structure of this search engine created by Page and Brin stood out because it was able to filter the importance of a web address by the link structure. This was highly effective and speedy which grabbed the attention of all users. 

By 1998 Google was born and contained about 60 million pages of information. The name came about by a misspelling of the term “googol,” which was supposed to represent the company's mission to organize a vast amount of information. Before Google took over being the main source of everything we could find on the web, there were website directories and indexed search engines that assembled searches by topic. Now, more than 70% of worldwide online search requests are handled by Google. 

In 2000 Google incorporated Ads into user search topics and placed target ads alongside search results continuing to scale the company's growth. 

Now Google has expanded from a powerful search engine to offering services like email and products like mobile devices and computers. Google is now worth $1.840 trillion and the world's fifth most valuable company. It is now using its large online presence to become a huge internet marketer, and buying out other companies like AdSense and acquiring all power in the mobile advertising category. 

Without the creation of any search engine, specifically Google, information would not be as accessible, education and research would not have become so remote, jobs have been created, and digital marketing continues to be vital for company growth. Internet search engines continue to evolve as users need to advance. The history I learned on the progress of internet searches goes to show the rapid growth technology has had and continues to each day. Now search engines don't just hold millions of data sources, but they offer voice search, personalization and ai integration. 

Monday, September 9, 2024

Blog #5 Issues of the Digital Age

 Technology and Its Risks 

With the increase of technological advancements and usage has come a risk for personal information and ongoing surveillance across all platforms. Many issues were discussed in the TED talk videos, and it has made me realize the lack of privacy social media and government surveillance has brought. Whether it's a phone call or location tracking, the government knows our every move, and it's storing the information on everyone in case it may be useful. This is a threat to all especially because the government is invading personal privacy in every aspect.

Juan Enriquez introduced the idea of "electronic tattoos." When we use apps like Twitter, Facebook, Credit Card Score apps and so forth all the information we give is collected and stored forever. Facial Recognition is a new advancement that can be very useful for quick login and access, but with our face being registered to store all of our information, each of the "electronic tattoos" being collected on you are now identifiable with your face. This is an issue now for privacy, but also a threat to immortality, the data collected on us will live much longer than we do. 

Mass surveillance allows the government to gather mass information on all of us, said Catherine Crump. The government has gone as far as tracking vehicles and using our traveling information to paint a picture of who they thunk we are, and whether were a threat to the community or not. Police departments hold on to all of the information they gather in case it may be useful one day, and even track the movement of our phones to see where we are when not driving our cars. This shows just because we may not see it doesn't mean it's not there, this is a threat to civil liberties because movements of innocent people are tracked and could be used against citizens.

Christopher Soghoian discussed how yes, many are aware that telephone companies and the networks that carry our calls have access to our information, but what we don't realize is this can be surveilled by our government, other governments, stalkers, hackers and so on that gain access to the tracking networks. We have no control over who can access the networks, and there have been times in the past were Microsoft and Google have been compromised by the Chinese government, and used against citizens.

These informative TED talks showed me how important it is to give as minimal information as possible to online networks. It's scary to think that even when we aren't online, movements are still be tracked, and nothing is safe. I will make sure to inform family and friends on the power the government has and uses with surveillance. 

Monday, September 2, 2024

Blog #3: Eight Values of Free Expression

Eight Values of Free Expression

A society based on democracy can only succeed if individuals are able and comfortable with expressing themselves in any situation, with whichever way they choose. The First Amendment written by James Madison in 1791, protects and allows all individuals to share, act upon, and develop their own beliefs. Many would say, and I agree, that the First Amendment is the most important and impactful part of the Constitution. 

Looking at the eight speech theories each hold value in the idea of free expression. The theories are all important, but some are believed to be more crucial or relevant in society today. Marketplace of Ideas, Participation in Self government, Stable Change, Individual self fulfillment, Check on government power, Promotion of tolerance, Promotion of innovation, and Protection of dissent are the right speech theories. Personally I find the most importance in Check on government power, and Individual self fulfillment needs to be used more in societal issues today. 

A Marketplace of Ideas

Created by John Milton, the marketplace of ideas is the theory that suggests in a battle of truth versu
s falsehood, truth will always win. This free expression is incorporated throughout all aspects of life whether it's social media, in journalism or a newspaper article. With social media being so prevalent in society today individuals hold power in being able to share their voice with just the click of a button. We have seen in some political campaigns or controversial topics the government filtering what ideas can be expressed, like with Twitter. In the First Amendment protection of free speech, petition and assembly. With John Miltons idea and the Constitution, individuals have the
power and opportunity to share any truth or falsehood they believe or want to end.                                                               

                                                                         Individual Self-Fulfillment 

Individual self-fulfillment also known as self-actualization is an expression presented by C. Edwin Baker. Free speech enables individuals to express themselves, create and identify themselves. Looking at our generation specifically today there is a push for a uniqueness and enocurgament towards individuals to embrace their differences and be themselves no matter what they may look like. C. Edwin Baker would agree with the fact that free expression is necessary for human dignity. Each human must make an individual decision as to how they want to look, act, speak to reach true self actualization. Americans are unique, and each difference adds to our cultural impact on the world around us. 

Promotion of Innovation 

Free Expression has the ability to do more than just give individuals protection in voicing anything that comes to mind. Jack Balkin values how free expression can promote growth and innovation in society. Balkin believes a community in which free speech is valued and protected, it's more likely to be energized, creative, and interesting where citizens actively fulfill themselves in many diverse and interesting ways. This theory of expression is interesting to me because it takes a look at a more psychological effect on the impact free speech has. In the United States we are privileged to be a place where new ideas and developments are able to be freely expressed as well as protected which promotes growth as a whole. 

Blog #9 EOTO 2

Citizen Journalism Several key components make up the history of citizen journalism in the mediasphere. Citizen journalism is the practice w...