Monday, September 16, 2024

Blog #6 The Age of AI

Frontline: In the Age of AI

Watching the documentary from PBS Frontline,  "In The Age of AI" viewers are shown how artificial intelligence is impacting the world for good, but also the downsides that this technology brings. Online privacy and security are often associated with AI, and many see it as a threat. Artificial intelligence consist of technology like facial recognition, self-driving cars, and virtual assistance like Siri. 

"In the age of AI, where data is the new oil, China is the new Saudi Arabia." This statements from The Age of AI sparked my attention because the world has transformed to a competition to come up with the best new artificial intelligence technology. This video showed that AI is likely incorporated into every aspect of our lives now whether its education, healthcare or just everyday experiences.  

Advancements of teaching artificial equipment to take over human tasks seems extraordinary, but the downsides some would say outweigh the benefits. The loss of employment is a major problem coming with AI, frontline stated "about 50% of jobs will be somewhat or extremely threatened by AI in the next 15 years or so." Looking at specifics jobs with specific routines like writing reports, factory workers, graphic designers and even truck drivers are threatened by the use of AI automation to complete human tasks. 

Just as the TED talk videos we watched discussed, this documentary brought across many points of a lack of online safety, and the tracking and storing of information on every move humans make. As a consumer our online patterns are being tracked so platforms can direct us towards interest that would serve our needs. It seems convenient, but when your every move is being watched and stored for future use, there's no private information anymore. Companies tracking our information may seem like its for users, but in reality, just like what happened with Facebookthe data being shaped for what users are receiving, actually creates enormous amounts of revenue for the platform. 

Overall as several examples have shown, Artificial intelligence is changing the world, and opening a whole new side of technology that brings about even more pros and cons. AI will continue to grow, and has the potential to take over tasks completed by humans. We can use AI for good, but the privacy rights and equality for humans is the main importance. Everyone needs to be aware risk of social media, online websites and even certain AI technologies like facial recognition bring, and do things to prevent all information being accessible. 

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