Wednesday, August 21, 2024

My Top Five Sources of News and Information


    In society today, information can be gathered through a variety of different sources, usually based off of personal preference. Where someone is getting their information from can play a major role in a view on different events or topics. In order to have a complete understanding, and an educated view, individuals should use a variety of resources. As an individual I gain my information mostly through the use of social media, where people can share information in any manor they choose. 

1. Tik tok is one of the biggest platforms of social media at this time for the general population, and its users consist of all ages. With few community guidelines users are able to update any content, which is usually short engaging video clips. Although Tik tok was initially used for entertainment, it now has the power to share and spread important information. Depending on the account people post about all areas of life whether that be health and fitness related, travel/world locations, history, scientific related topics, or just random thoughts. I personally have been able to keep up with current events because of the quick flow of videos containing loads of information


2. Instagram, an app usually used to share life photo highlights, also can be used as a space to teach and influence followers. The app has developed over time and is now being used by a wide range of companies and businesses to expand viewers and share promotional content. Instagram also has a "reels" option similar to Tik Tok filled with video clips. Users choose who they follow on instagram so content can be limited, but instagrams offers a "related post" tab allowing users to gain new information and content on their feed. Whether it's a politician, celebrity, news source or network most likely they will have an instagram account used to share content and promote their ideas. I personally follow lots of celebrities and politicians so my feed is filled with new information each day.

3. Word of Mouth is a key source for me. I often will over hear a conversation, or be exposed to a news story or important event by family and friends which then allows me to do my own research and become educated. I have definitely grown up in a very opinionated and politically active household, so I am used to hearing very controversial conversations about issues worldwide. I find it very interesting to hear different opinions from family and friends, and see how each persons different life experiences shapes their opinions on different topics. Although conversations can sometimes be hard and lead to disagreements, I think being able to communicate opinions, and listen effectively is a life skill. The information Ive heard has allowe
d me to shape my own individual opinions and made me a well rounded individual.

4. A more classic source I use to receive news and information from is online articles. A quick google search leads me to lots of different links from sources across the spectrum. I usually will search a topic if I overhear a conversation or see a video on another platform like Tik tok or Instagram. What I like about online articles is they are posted by all kinds of news outlets and there are a variety of views you can expose yourself to. A personal example of this for me is looking at both Fox News and CNN for information during the presidential election to read  various points and opinions.

5. My final source would be The New York Times What I like about this platform is there are articles filled with important political and world wide information, but also sources on celebrity drama, or lifestyle trends. Breaking news is often reported on New York Times so it's a source I often find myself going to in any time of unsettlement. Another thing that makes me use New York Times is the array of writing styles, you can find in depth articles or a quick few summary sentences updating readers on events. 

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