Monday, September 2, 2024

Blog #3: Eight Values of Free Expression

Eight Values of Free Expression

A society based on democracy can only succeed if individuals are able and comfortable with expressing themselves in any situation, with whichever way they choose. The First Amendment written by James Madison in 1791, protects and allows all individuals to share, act upon, and develop their own beliefs. Many would say, and I agree, that the First Amendment is the most important and impactful part of the Constitution. 

Looking at the eight speech theories each hold value in the idea of free expression. The theories are all important, but some are believed to be more crucial or relevant in society today. Marketplace of Ideas, Participation in Self government, Stable Change, Individual self fulfillment, Check on government power, Promotion of tolerance, Promotion of innovation, and Protection of dissent are the right speech theories. Personally I find the most importance in Check on government power, and Individual self fulfillment needs to be used more in societal issues today. 

A Marketplace of Ideas

Created by John Milton, the marketplace of ideas is the theory that suggests in a battle of truth versu
s falsehood, truth will always win. This free expression is incorporated throughout all aspects of life whether it's social media, in journalism or a newspaper article. With social media being so prevalent in society today individuals hold power in being able to share their voice with just the click of a button. We have seen in some political campaigns or controversial topics the government filtering what ideas can be expressed, like with Twitter. In the First Amendment protection of free speech, petition and assembly. With John Miltons idea and the Constitution, individuals have the
power and opportunity to share any truth or falsehood they believe or want to end.                                                               

                                                                         Individual Self-Fulfillment 

Individual self-fulfillment also known as self-actualization is an expression presented by C. Edwin Baker. Free speech enables individuals to express themselves, create and identify themselves. Looking at our generation specifically today there is a push for a uniqueness and enocurgament towards individuals to embrace their differences and be themselves no matter what they may look like. C. Edwin Baker would agree with the fact that free expression is necessary for human dignity. Each human must make an individual decision as to how they want to look, act, speak to reach true self actualization. Americans are unique, and each difference adds to our cultural impact on the world around us. 

Promotion of Innovation 

Free Expression has the ability to do more than just give individuals protection in voicing anything that comes to mind. Jack Balkin values how free expression can promote growth and innovation in society. Balkin believes a community in which free speech is valued and protected, it's more likely to be energized, creative, and interesting where citizens actively fulfill themselves in many diverse and interesting ways. This theory of expression is interesting to me because it takes a look at a more psychological effect on the impact free speech has. In the United States we are privileged to be a place where new ideas and developments are able to be freely expressed as well as protected which promotes growth as a whole. 

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